Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Last freebie for the month of April!

Evening gang!

Hi gang, well, this is the last freebie for the month of April.
And I ended April's freebies with what you like most..
Gold embellys! This time, with the Summer months ahead,
I thought Wedding embellys would be nice to have on hand..
so to all the soon-to-be newlyweds, Mom's of newlyweds,
friends of newlyweds...and anyone else who wants to embellish
a wedding pic be it new or old.
Things are quiet tonight, so I am going to get to bed while its
peaceful and calm. Cats are doing OK. Each day they seem to
be coming back to their usual selves. I am going to post pics
of them, and I have some pics of the "other little visitors" that
come by and hang out in my yard. So look for that tomorrow.
So back to the is the preview:

Get them...........................HERE

See you all tomorrow!

The missing "X" file..(sounds like a show!)...LOL

From the "Black Pastel Alpha"
(Thank you Anne for the heads up)

Hiya Gang,

I cant believe I did it again! The same mistake twice!
I am so sorry, I guess I had alot on my mind with the
:girls". They were so ill and not eating, and with the
young one pregnant..we were worried she would
abort the babies. By the way....we are the proud
owners of 3 new kittens! She had them yesterday
morning. Just as we were getting ready to leave
for school, she ran under my bed, let out a yell
and sure 1 arrived. She ended up
with 4, but one died last upsetting.
Sooo, with thats said....ANYONE WANT A KITTEN??!!
We have been feeding them in between with kitten
formula because we are nor sure if she is producing
milk for them, it doesnt appear that she is..we checked
and really didnt see anything, but she may just be
making just we figured it would be
better to just go ahead and give them little bits
at a time, we dont want her to stop feeding them,
so were are basically suplementing it.

If you downloaded the Black Pastel alpha already
and need the letter "X" :
Get it .............................................HERE

That is the link to a folder I set up just
for that file..I put a zip file containg the
letter "X" and I also put just the png file
so you can simply "Click and SAVE AS"
the image..whichever way is easiest
for you. I also updated the zip file
to include the letter "X", so if you got
the alpha already, just get the missing
file from the link above, if you havent
downloaded the alpha yet, then go right
ahead, it does contain the letter "X". apologies. Have a great day!

Monday, April 28, 2008

Freebie and an update...

Good morning, (er..afternnon now) gang,

First, I'd like to say Thanks to Shawny for letting
me know that the letters "Y-y" were missing from
the Gold n Ruby Alpha 2 for those who down-
loaded the alpha already, you can get the letter "Y-y"
I updated the zip file containing the 2 alphas today,
so if you havent downloaded the "Gold n Ruby Alpha"
you Do Not need to download the file posted above.
My sincere apologies for that, I hate when things
happen like that!

OK..I have to run and get my grandson from school,
I will be right back with todays freebie!
Here's the preview:

Get them...............................HERE

See you all tomorrow!

*PS: Just got home from the vet..and the
girls have an upper respitory infection.
The young one who is pregnant seems to
be a bit better, they gave her the IV, they
were concerned she may be a little dehydrated.
So that perked her up a bit. The older one is
hiding under my bed right now and probably
wont come out until things quiet down. They
gave us antibiotic for them and a couple cans
of this cat food that they say the cats really
go for because it has all this extra flavor and
sweetness and Minnie, the young one seem
to prove that right! I am so happy that she
has something in her now. Foo-Foo wont feel
like eating for awhile yet, the trip to the vet
shook her up and it will take her until later
to come out and walk around. I feel so much
better that I was able to take them. I have to
thank FVEAP for paying for the bill.
I am going to make a icon/banner with a
link to their site so hopefully some visitors
will go there and maybe make a donation to them.
They responded so fast, that I didnt have plans
together on how to even get the cats to the clinic!
I kid you not..I emailed them late Friday night
and within minutes I receieved an email back
saying they had 200 dollars available to help!
I couldnt believe it! I gave them the name of
the clinic and poof! it was paid! I owe them so
much gratitude that I like to do something in
return by placing a link to their site in hopes
of them recieving a few bucks for their generosity.
So please, if you can help never know when
you will need to call on them!
Thank you..from my heart!

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Sunday's freebie...

...a real nice alpha! In fact, its so nice, that I
included a full set of swash letters! So you
will have a full set of alphas plus the full
set of swash alphas..and I left them grey
so you can colorize them for any LO.
So from this one pretty script alpha, you
will have many different looks!
And wait until tomorrow..the alpha I will
be posting is something really different!
So here is tonight's preview:

Get them................................HERE
I am going to post early tomorrow because I
have to bring both of my kitty's to the Vet,
the 2 of them are so very sick, they havent
eaten in a few days now and here is what
really makes it is just about a year
old and......pregnant, the other is an "old fart"
yeah, she's a senior poor Foo-Foo
the young one we took in just after Winter
started, and had no idea she was pregnant,
they both started off with a cough, like the
kind they get when they have a hairball,
but each day it got worse and you can see
they looked like it hurt when they swallowed.
I went and bought a can of infant formula and
gave each of them a few ounces using a baby's
medicinal syringe. I dont know if it was the right
thing to do, but I had to do something. I had no
money to bring them to the clinic, so out of panic
and fustration I googled and came across a site
that helps with animals. And what amazed me
was how fast they responded back! And they
gave $200 so I could get them to the Vet. When
I googled, I had no idea what and how this was
going to work, so it caught me off guard when
I saw an email came back within minutes! I
started to cry. The first site I went to didnt
look promising, they basically take care of
life-threatening type of help. So I thought
thats what I was going to see at the rest of
those types of sites. But the second site I went
to was the one who contacted me back.
This all took place late Friday night into Saturday
morning, and I have to figure out how I am going to
get 2 cats (one feral and one with panic attacks)
to the County Clinic! I have one carrier, so I will
have to get a box to put the young one in. But!
thats not all! On top of that, my god-daughter
was coming by who I havent seen a long while
and...yesterday was also my grandson's Opening
Day at Softball! So between not sleeping the night
before, we had to be out of the house by 8am to
march in the Softball parade and breakfast, then
while they all ate, I ran out to the supermarket to
get a box for Mini (the young cat) then made it back
for the parade, after the parade, team pics were taken
and after that was their first game. Just as the game
ended, my god-daughter came. We had a real nice visit
and decided that we werent going to let alot of time pass
between visits, which was noone's fault..just life in general.
She left and then it was time to syrings feed the 2 kitty's
who disliked it very much! I couldnt let a 3rd day go by
without them eating something. I sat with them to make
sure the didnt have any problems after feeding. All went
well..and this morning I gave them another feeding. The
appt at the clicnic is for tomorrow (Mon). Why?
Ready for this?..if I brought them in between last night
or anytime today, they would be considered an "emergency"
and therefore get charged..$130.00 each cat! They knew we
were dealing with funding..why didnt they just work with us?
And they are animal lovers? Animal Activists?..its nuts!
having only 200 bucks to work with..bringing them wasnt
feasible, so we will bring them in by appt this way its only...
60.00 bucks a cat..amazing..isnt it!

Is it any wonder that when I sat down at my computer
that I produced several alphas???
If you read down this far..I appreciate it very much.
I had to get all this fustration out somehow, so thanks
for "listening". You all are my saviors!

Saturday, April 26, 2008

Saturday evening freebie....

hi gang,

I hope your weekend has been a good one!
I had a busy few days, between work, very
ill kittys, a visit from my goddaughter and...
Softball Opening Day for my grandson.
I will fill you all in tomorrow, right now
I'm so tired that my eyes are crossing as I type.
So this is a short, but sweet post tonight:

Here is the preview:

get them..................................HERE

See you tomorrow!

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Late night

Another diamond alpha..I like this font a little
better with this design. I was originally going to
use this font, but the program I used for some
reason doesnt see Open Type fonts, only True Type.
I dont know why that is, its a new program, but for
some reason it wont see open type..even if its installed
onto Windows. So I got myself FontLab and converted
the font to True Type and I was able to use it.
I couldnt tell you what the differences are between the
two file types except that Open Type is sort of a "universal"
font file..other than if there are other differences, I dont
know..I only use fonts, not take them apart ; )
OK..Here's the preview:

Get them.............................HERE

Monday, April 21, 2008

Tonights freebie is.............

The alpha to the Gold n Ruby ornaments.
Your comments left at 4shared said you'd
like an alpha..but not only is there an alpha,
but an ornament or two and...a surprise inside.
The preview image only shows the alpha, the
surprise of course will be a surprise ; )
here is the preview:

Get them............................HERE

Until tomorrow..have a great evening!

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Sundays freebie is...........

A kit! There are 5 paper designs in 3 different colors,
with the embellys all in the same colors.
I appreciate the feedback on the alphas, I will be
making them tonight for tomorrow's download.
I hope you all are having a nice Sunday!
The preview doesnt show everything, and a
couple of ribbons have a slight shadow which was
needed for when I had to layer something on it.
It shouldnt interefere if you use a shadow.
here's the preview:

Get the kit..............................HERE
See you tomorrow with the alphas!

Friday, April 18, 2008

Tonight's Freebie..

Hiya gang,

WOW! was today a beautiful day! We hit 70 degrees!
Woo-Hoo! I L-O-V-E the warm weather! (who doesnt!)
Depression and Anxiety are bad enough without having
to deal with those cold Winter Blahs! (had to get that out)

Anyways, here's tonight freebie..small package, but
big in pretty! Here is the preview:
(shadow is not included)

Get them...............................HERE

If this design goes over well, I will
make an alpha..what do you think?
let me know!
Good-night gang!

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Todays freebie is...........

Hiya gang!

Happy "hump" day! I hope you all are having a nice day!
You know what just happened? As I am typing this, I am
listening to the TV. As you may know, the Pope has come
to America, and right as I type, he is in Washington with
President Bush.
But what got me was..(and I dont think it was intentional)
that just as the reporter was announcing the Pope, the
people from the Nuclear plant up the line from us and
whatever other officials involved decided to do an
"Emergency Broadcast test", so they totally blocked out
the whole beginning of the Pope arriving.
Like I said, I dont think it was intentional, and they have
to do what "they have to do" due to the nature of the beast,
but to me, it didnt feel right, you know? OK..onto the freebie!
I wanted to get this to you early today cause I have alot of stuff
to do later on. Here is an alpha for you, a full alpha..Caps, small
letters, puncuation and ornaments. And it is going to be nice
for your Spring/Summer LO's, childrens LO's and if you
still have some pics from will
here is a preview (click pic for larger view)

Get them..............................HERE

Have a real nice day! Especially now
that the weather is (slowly) getting

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Tonights freebie is..........

Something I should have posted last night or
the night before, but because of my lame-brain
I totally forgotten that I wanted to give this right
after the Gold n Black set and the Girls Best Friend
so I hope you dont mind and are not tired of this
design. I think it is such a pretty and fancy design
and I hope you think so too. Call these an "Add-on"
if you like..but these are some pretty wordart and
ornaments.. here is one of them:

Get them.............................HERE

see you tomorrow with something real
different! 'Night gang!

Monday, April 14, 2008

Tonights freebie is...........

....a....SURPRISE Gift! preview tonight...heh,heh,heh!
I wanted you to have this little "somethin-somethin".
I included a text file to kind of explain what you can
do with these.
I will say this..there is room for customization!

You can get the surprise..........HERE is the missing
small letter "g" from the
Black n Gold alpha..the
"western-look" alpha
it was the freebie before
the bright sheer flowers
The alpha was given on

Get the "G"..............HERE

see you all tomorrow!

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Sunday's Freebie is......

A Girl's best Friend alpha.
You will see why when you download it!
I think you will like it! everyone having a decent weekend? I
managed to get a few things done and was able to
sit and get some freebies done. I usually do several
over a period of time and then post them each day,
but sometimes, I realize at the last minute that I
posted all the freebies I made and need to take a
few days to do more.
OK..on with the freebies! Here is the preview:

Get them..............................HERE

Have a great day!!!!

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Tonight's freebie is...

Hiya gang,

I hope you all had a nice start to the weekend!
Tonight I have a few word arts for you, I did
them using the TK Doodle font and I left them
grey so you can colorize them to suit your needs.
There are a couple that have a gold tone, but they
can be colorized as well. Here's a teaser for you...
Tomorrow I will have a pretty word art, ornaments
and alpha for you! You're gonna like these for sure!
But until's tonights preview:

Get them...............................HERE

See you tomorrow!

Friday, April 11, 2008

Tonight's freebie is...

Hiya everyone,

First..Scrapcat, thanks for the heads up about
that first link in my comments area, people, please
before clicking on ANY LINK..put your cursor over
it first and look down on the bottom of your browser
where your "status" bar is, and if it looks "hoaky",
dont click it! Too many screwballs are placing comments
in hopes you will click on their link, and before you know it
POW! you got yourself a virus, trojan or please,
please be careful clicking those links! I will never understand
what anyone gets out of giving a virus, trojan or any other
headache. Why! do they feel a need to aggravate someone
they dont know?? I will never understand.

Ok..gang...tonight's scraps are a Communion set,
I know..not all of us have one coming up, but this
can be used for a Confirmation as well.
There are 2 papers in here that can be used for a wedding,
anniversary. And, you may not have one of these coming up
now, but more than likely somewhere in the future you will.
And if you're like bang into someone you havent seen
in awhile and they give you an invite..but I am sure all you
creative people out there will find a use for these scraps : )
Tomorrow, I will be posting some word art and some embellys.
I dont have time tonight to post them, so they will be posting
by morning. I even have the previews all ready! How about that!;s tonights preview pic:

Get them...............................HERE

see you in the a.m.!

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Papers tonight!

Evening gang..

How are all of you? I hope all is well.

I am making this a quick post, so here it
is..this is (what I call) Paper semi kit
The preview is showing papers only, but
there are ribbons and a couple of brads
and a couple of 800x800 papers to lay
your pics on and whatnot. here's the

Get them................................HERE

Good night gang!

Monday, April 7, 2008

Just a small freebie tonight..

Hiya gang,

I had ornaments and papers for you tonight, but
I wasnt able to finish the papers because of a friend
passing away, the wake was tonight. I just didnt have
it in me to do any work on the last paper..I should finish
tomorrow< I wont be going to work and will be home
after the funeral. Enough of that..Here is what the
ornaments look like but with assorted patterns:

Get them..........................HERE

I will see you all tomorrow..Good Night

Saturday, April 5, 2008

Saturday night freebie..

Hi everyone,

Tonight I have some photo "borders", but these
are not your "edgy or vignette" borders..think of
these more as an ornament for your photos or
journals, wherever you like. To me they are like
jewelry for photos.
I also included matching ornaments, some of
these elements have a "glitter" look and some
have a "satin" look. See what you think:

Get them..............................HERE

See you tomorrow!

Friday, April 4, 2008

Tonights freebie is........

Evening gang,

I tried to get this posted as soon as I could, but
as got in the You know..get
the kids from school, run to the market, do a
clean sweep of the house and last but not least..
dinner..which was meatloaf tonight. I dont make
that too often, not that I dont like it..its that
sometimes I just dont want to touch cold mushy
Ok..enough of that..I am sure you dont need to
read that nonsense : )
Anyways, here your preview:

Get them................................HERE

Pssstttt!! here's a little Thank you
gift for taking the time to email
and post about the link : )

Get the gift....................HERE

I hope you like these. Good night gang!
(and yes, I am checking the link before
going offline for the

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Linked fixed.. for the Sheer flowers

*Note: My apologies..the link is fixed.
I havent been online since I posted these.
I found out just now. I am so sorry, next
time no matter how heavy my eyes are
feeling, I WILL check links before signing off!
Check back in a few hours..I have another
freebie for you!
Thank you all who have posted and sent emails
giving me the heads up!

Get the Sheer Flowers..............HERE

Hiya gang,

Some colorful sheer
flowers for your LO! Plop them on your page..or put a few
together to make like a "chain" of them..your LO..your way!'s the preview:
Get them...................................HERE
Ok.. I will see you in a few hours
with the new freebie!
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