Thursday, December 27, 2007

My birthday freebie for you

Hi everyone
I hope you had a wonderful Christmas!
Things were to say the least, busy here..phew!
Yesterday (Dec 26) was my B-day..yup..and its
a biggie!..lets put it this way..some say its a...
"Half-a-century". Me?..just another day as far
as I'm concerned. Always felt that way about it.
Coming from a family that was half Jewish and
half Catholic, my birthday was always combined
with Channakah and Christmas, so the day was
never "my own". I got use to it. Last night was
different though..way different!
Hubby took me out to dinner and after dinner
and while everyone was singing "Happy Birthday"
he gave me a beautiful diamond ring with a lovely
engraving inside.. I have to admit..I cried like crazy.
OK..enough of the bantering..with that I have to say..
I have a b-day prezzie for you guys!
How about that!...(like the way I slipped that
into the subject?...LOL)
Papers, Frames, Ribbons and of course, embellys.
Quite an assortment of each. So there should be
something useful in there for you.
here are the previews (4 of them)

Get it.........................HERE

*NOTE: Thanks to Scrapcat, she let me know
about the files in the "Thank you" kit.
I redid the those files and uploaded the to
the folder where the Thank you kit is at
4shared..but for ease, here is the link to the
new files (only the ones that were no good)

Good Night and see you tomorrow with some
embellys I have for you!


Anonymous said...

awesome freebies! thanks!! :D

Anonymous said...

Thanks so much for sharing your talent.
My fav part is your papers and the fancey ribbons.

Anonymous said...

TOTALLY AWESOME! I LOVE THEM! THANKS SOO MUCH! I shall pass on your site to all my friends. Keep up the good work!

Anonymous said...

Thank you for sharing your time and talent!! Everythings beautifull god bless..kristianne25

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