Monday, November 19, 2007

Freebie for Thanksgiving

hiya everyone
Well, we got our first snowflakes today!
But because of it being so didnt
last or stick. In one way its a good thing,
especially if you do alot of driving like I
do..but in another would have
been nice to see some of it stay.
I guess there's still alot of time ahead
for dealing with snow..right?
So for now, lets deal with these freebies .
30-something embellies..
Turkeys and Cornicopias embellies
that is..and a few papers..papers arent
in the preview. I eneded up making the
papers after I made the preview and I
ran out of time to re-do I guess the
papers can be considered a ..surprise!
Turkey-Cornicopias preview:

Get them..................HERE

see you all tomorrow!


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