Monday, August 25, 2008

One More time..and your gift!

Hi gang

I was in a bit of a rush the other day and I
didnt complete what I was originally posting
about. I see I didnt get picked up again, I have to
investigate this better.
Anyway, I am re-posting the Cardboard alpha
because alot of the downloads do come from
Maria's blog and perhaps those who havent
recieved the email from feedburner or see it
at Marias. If anyone who subscribes to get
emails from the blog here did or did not
receieve an email, please let me know either,
so I track the problem..I want you all to get
the freebie gift for the poll and also the regular
Please forgive the third posting, but there are
going to be 2 links for you....One is the Cardboard
alpha and the other...the gift...OK? Gosh..I hope
you all see this posting.


The freebie from the other night was the
Cardboard Cutout Alpha:

Get them.....................HERE

And here is the gift...........ENJOY!
Get the gift...............HERE

Thank you for being patient and kind!

Love you all!

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Re-post from last night...FREEBIE

*Please see the post under this one for
yesterday's freebie and please read why
I posted this..OK?

Hi gang,

I am sorry about this, but apparently something
went wrong with (I think) Feedburner, it didnt
pick up my blog, DigiFree blog did but my blog
was not anywhere to be found on the DigiFree
blog. I dont know how it works, I got the comment
saying DigiFree picked me up, but when I went to the
blog to make sure there was no problem with the pic
preview, I didnt see it anywhere, I even checked the
"unknown freebie" links, but I am nowhere.
According to Maria from DigiFree, it has to do with
feeburner. I went to feedburner and I see the last
time it picked up my blog was when I posted the
Painted alphas. I pinged my blog and it seems to
be OK..but because I am not sure if all is ok, I am
going to re-post the Cardboard cutout alpha. But
I am also posting another freebie for today.

But I mentioned DigiFree blog, Maria is so sweet
for running it, (heck I cant hardly keep up with his
little snip of a blog) but what is starting to be a bit of
a pain is a few of the bloggers. We all want our freebies
to be out there, but do we really need to hog up the space
that Maria has been so gracious to supply us with? I guess
what I'm saying is that they know what they are doing
because they do it all the time, to be honest I think its a
little pushy. Some will offer freebies, but write a post for
each freebie...and its all from the same download!
Is that necesary? Al thats need is a preview pic and
your link...when others click your link, they will see all
the wonderful freebies you are offering. If not for anything
else, think of Maria and the time it takes her to do this for us.

On that I will end this posting and I will be back in awhile

sorry about ranting and running, but hubby just came
home from work and hungry. see you all later.

Friday, August 22, 2008

Tonights freebie is.........

A Cardboard cutout alpha..
plus a small gift inside!

Hiya everyone...

I dont believe how much I have slowed down
posting freebies..It drives me nuts! I have come
to the belief that while I'm at work, someone
turns all the clocks in my house ahead by several
hours! I get home and the next thing I know,
my forehead is pressed ontop of my keyboard!
Poor hubby is getting tired of coming in and seeing
me "sleeping at the wheel" (so to
he's like..."if you're tire, just go to bed"! But the
thing dont realize you feel asleep! I have to
figure out a time schedule..oh yeah..I could see it would end up like how Lucy Ricardo's schedule Remember that episode? She was trying to make
a point to dinner they found things like buttons
in the water glass..because in order to save time on her
schedule, she combined things like laundry and dishes
together! Well those of us who grew up watching
I Love Lucy would remember that episode..those who
are a bit younger would have to catch reruns.

OK's the preview of the alpha:

get them......................HERE

Dont forget..there's still the Thank you gift coming
for answering the poll!

GOOD NIGHT everyone!

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Tonights freebie is............

Paint drips alpha

Evening everyone,

Sorry I didnt get this out sooner, we
had a wicked thunderstorm that knocked
out the electric. And we only got power back
late last night. Dont ya just hate it when
that happens?! What an inconvienance!

Anyways...first I want to Thank all who
answered the poll, this will really help
me with the freebies I post. I want to be
able to bring you all some of the best scraps
around. I want to bring scraps that are easy
for printers as well as posting on the net.

All of you have been so nice to me and I
appreciate it so much. I know I have said that
a thousand times, but other than the freebies,
thats the only other way I can let you all know
that I appreciate you all.

OK, without getting all simpy
Onto the alpha.....

This is a cute and colorful alpha that would
be great for LO's about kids at camp, 1st day
of school, a painting party...and so on.
It has numbers and puncuatation
LOL..I spelled it wrong in the preview!

Get it.........................HERE

Well, there goes another "Bizee Blooper"!

You all have a great evening and I have
another freebie for you tomorrow..its a
based on another freebie I posted not
so long ago, they are done in a different

Good Night!

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Evening gang!

Hiya everyone,

The poll (in case you handnt
is up. I set it so you can choose more than
one item. I appreciate you all doing this, it
will help me serve you better.
It will also help me to get it to you more often.

I will have a Thank you gift for all at the end
of the poll. After all, my time/your time is
valuable, right?

I hope you have been enjoying the little
babblings I wrote. I try to keep them short
so you dont have to "pay" for the scraps by
making you read some sort of rant.

With that I say.........Good night gang!
And a great..................

B-I-G T-H-A-N-K Y-O-U..!!!

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Finally! Tonights freebie is............

Writting paper pak...

Hi all!

I cant believe how many days have passed since my last post!
Its like time is going so fast, I cant keep up with the days!
I think I forgot the last time to tell you what type of "critter"
I was referring to (sorry about that) it is a
It is one of the littler from the beginning of Spring, and the
little guy is doing much friend came by with a few
of her friends and caught the little bugger, with no problem
what-so-ever. It was so use to me and my family going about
our day, that it paid no mind when they came up on my porch
and placed some food and even when they placed that "loop"
around its neck, it didnt seem to mind. It gave a little fuss,
but it was like it knew he wasnt going to be harmed. It could
be because he would watch me lift and carry the cats.
So far they think he got hurt from another racoon (or two)
So he is being treated and they will return him back here.
I would like to see him placed in a more wild and secluded
area, because I dont want him to think he can approach any
person, but I am afraid he will get hurt in an area he's not
familiar with too.

OK, on with the freebie.. its a Writting paper pak, not a huge
pak, in fact its not even 4 Mb's, but there's quite a few things
in the zip..looseleaf paper, legal pad paper, a legal pad, burnt
papers, torn papers for journals, transparent papers, a couple
pieces of tape, 3 paperclips, and I put some fuzzy doodles in
there too. Oh yeah, there are a couple of stationary papers
that you can monogram...and yes, I included the monograms
in the zip. The monograms are small in size to fit under the
ornamental design on the papers. Its different from whats
out there. Here's the preview:

get them........................HERE

I will be putting up the poll Tuesday, I could
really use your help. It will help me in knowing
what you all want. Remember, this is done for you!
The time you take to do this poll will NOT go unrewarded!

Thank you all!

Monday, August 4, 2008

Tonights freebie is.........

Studded wire Butterflies

Hi gang!

Welcome to August! So far weather has been
decent. A little hot, but not humid. I hope you
all are staying comfortable where you are.

One if my "night visitors" has been hanging
around more than normal, in fact, he's been
basically livingng on my porch with the stray
cat! He made himself right at home, but I was
a little worried because of how many hours
he spends there. Well, this morning I found
out. The poor little critter got hurt, one of his
back paws and one of his front paws appears
to be hurt. He really has a hard time walking
around. My friend who is a police officer is
coming by tomorrow and will call whoever

it is that she deals with when coming across
hurt or sick animals. I hope the little bugger
will be able to be set out again and not have to
be put to sleep. You know there are so many
people out here today that think nothing of
having their dog chase down a a wild animal,
and it makes my blood boil! I dont want to rant
on about this, so I will leave it at that : )

Anyway, here is the preview of the butterflies

Get them..................HERE

See you all tomorrow! have a great evening!

Friday, August 1, 2008

Well..its seems I have been tagged : )

Hi gang,

This is just about the second post I'm posting
without posting a freebie. Seems strange!
As you can see from the title of this post, I
have been tagged...twice! Actually I think
was tagged 3 times, but the first time I didnt
know what it was..I did belong to a Tagged
community, I thought it had to do with that.

But aparently not, I see now what it is, so I
owe an apology to the first person who tagged
me, I dont know if its ok to put her name, I
dont want to do the wrong thing here, but I
am sure she will reckonize who I'm speaking
about if she reads this.
Here's how it works:

These are the rules:
1. Link your tagger and list these rules on your blog.
2. Share 7 facts about yourself on your blog,
some random, some weird.
3. Tag 7 people at the end of your post by leaving their
names as well as links to their blogs.
4. Let them know they have been tagged by leaving a
comment on their blog.
(I dont even know if I know 7 bloggers
so I will have to come back with their
links and names)
: )

Anyways, I was tagged on July 28th from

Bonnie Carter
her blog here:

And, July 31st from

Nadine (scrappinmamma)

here blog here:

I hope its OK to post the Random facts together,
I dont lead a real exciting life, in fact, its quite
uneventful mostly, so there's not much I can
write about. Notice the lack of blogging on
my blog? Thats the reason : )

I do Thank both of the girls for tagging me,
for a quiet person like me, its nice to be noticed!

7 Random facts about me
(hmmm..lets see now...)

1)..I am a grandma..4 times (oh my!)

2)..I too have a phobia with a phone, I know
have to make a certain call, but do I?...Nooo,
I just cant bring myself to pick up that phone.

3)..I lived in only 2 states.. New York and Maine

4)..I am married to a wonderful guy named Mike,
we've been together for 22 years now, wow, he
put up with me for that long?! Now thats a guy
with patience!

5)..I have 2 jobs...I do cleaning maintainance for
offices and restaurants, and I work at a florist.

6)..I have a sister and 2 brothers, mom passed
away 1986 and it still hurts me greatly, as if it
happened yesterday. dad...still alive, but I dont
speak with him..he doesnt understand why.

7)..I enjoy watching archaeological, forensic
and criminal shows, like American Justice,
Investigative Reports (I love Bill Kurtis!)
And all the shows on History, Discovery,
National Geographic and..Court TV which
is now called TruTV. And now that I have
FIOS, I have the Crime Investigation channel
which believe it or not...Bill Kurtis' shows are
mainly there! sure to click the links to their
blogs and say Hello to those 2 girls...they
also have some great freebies on thier blogs!
So you will be glad you went!

Thank you all...this is all possible because of you!


I labeled this post under FREEBIES due to the
links to Bonnie's and Nadine's blog, where they
offer freebies, so I thought it fitting.

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