to get this out to you tonight because of how many
days have passed.
I had gotten a chest infection, and the doc sent over
I had gotten a chest infection, and the doc sent over
an anti-biotic..well, for the first time in my life, I find
out the hard way that I am now allergic to anti biotics!
and I do mean the hard way! The next thing I knew, I
and I do mean the hard way! The next thing I knew, I
was on the floor and my daughter crying. All my life I
was able to take them with no problems, I dont know
why this happened..but please, careful when
taking meds even though they come from the doctor.
Your system changes thru the years..and who knows
what is inside these things anyway! Call me paranoid
from now on, but with all the "bad" items being shipped
to the really has to be aware of whats happening.
I am not saying thats what happened here, can
never be too careful. It could have been alot of different
reasons why that happened, but it happened and now
I am wary, very wary. So Please careful out there!
was able to take them with no problems, I dont know
why this happened..but please, careful when
taking meds even though they come from the doctor.
Your system changes thru the years..and who knows
what is inside these things anyway! Call me paranoid
from now on, but with all the "bad" items being shipped
to the really has to be aware of whats happening.
I am not saying thats what happened here, can
never be too careful. It could have been alot of different
reasons why that happened, but it happened and now
I am wary, very wary. So Please careful out there!
I am still shaky and weak from this, its a "day at a time",
and I wanted you all to know that I didnt leave you high
and dry..I wouldnt do that to all of you, You all have been
so sweet and special and you mean alot to me and my work.
I wasnt able to put something together this evening, but I
will have a real nice set for you tomorrow..I know I was
going to have it for you a few nights ago, but that was the
night I got ill. So if you guys can hang on one more night,
and dry..I wouldnt do that to all of you, You all have been
so sweet and special and you mean alot to me and my work.
I wasnt able to put something together this evening, but I
will have a real nice set for you tomorrow..I know I was
going to have it for you a few nights ago, but that was the
night I got ill. So if you guys can hang on one more night,
I couldnt go and leave you nothing, I was working on
this when I first got ill, so its small, but maybe you can
use it for your Easter LO:
this when I first got ill, so its small, but maybe you can
use it for your Easter LO:
The real gift I have will be posted tomorrow.
I am so sorry to hear about your reaction to the antibiotics, and pray that you will be back to your ol' self very soon. Take as much time as you need to get better, we will still be here. Thank you for the beautiful little Easter flower and blessings to you.
Will keep you in my prayers!!!!
I know how scary it can be I also find out that I'm alergic to meds a long time ago and also to some Xray dyes that I went into Respotary arrest with!!!
Never so scared in my life!!!!!!
TY so very much for this BEAUTIFUL Easter goody!!!!!!!!
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