Hiya gang!
Happy "hump" day! I hope you all are having a nice day!
You know what just happened? As I am typing this, I am
listening to the TV. As you may know, the Pope has come
to America, and right as I type, he is in Washington with
President Bush.
But what got me was..(and I dont think it was intentional)
that just as the reporter was announcing the Pope, the
people from the Nuclear plant up the line from us and
whatever other officials involved decided to do an
"Emergency Broadcast test", so they totally blocked out
the whole beginning of the Pope arriving.
Like I said, I dont think it was intentional, and they have
to do what "they have to do" due to the nature of the beast,
but to me, it didnt feel right, you know? OK..onto the freebie!
I wanted to get this to you early today cause I have alot of stuff
to do later on. Here is an alpha for you, a full alpha..Caps, small
letters, puncuation and ornaments. And it is going to be nice
for your Spring/Summer LO's, childrens LO's and if you
still have some pics from Easter...well...you will see..lol
here is a preview (click pic for larger view)
Get them..............................HERE
Have a real nice day! Especially now
that the weather is (slowly) getting
Great. Love it. TFS!
delightful alpha. appreciate your talent and labors. tyfs now to unzip & play
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