Sunday, February 24, 2008

Freebie and a word of caution!

Hi gang

First, please, please heed this warning...I dont know if you
have gotten a message on your blog like this or similar to
this one:

Akicage said...
Hi, look
February 23, 2008 9:37 PM

Please dont click this. I did just to confirm my
suspicion, and my suspicion was correct, this link
is total garbage. The first thing is a pop up, even clicking
the close button or Cancel button still brings you to a page
for some nonsense "antispyware/antivirus" page. This was
a first for me, I guess it found me thru either a RSS feeder
or google or whatever..the more your link gets out there, the more
attention to spam and garbage you become. So please, I dont want
any of you to get caught up in some nonsense. Please, no matter
how tempting it may be..dont click a link you dont know.
They rely on the fact that we all like to click on a profile link
in our comment area to say "Thank you for stopping by" and POW!
they got you! So please be wary ..ok? onto your freebie tonight...its 2-1/2 dozen GOLD Wordart
"Mom", "Dad", Grandma and Grandpa", "Friends", and so on.
and in it you will find 2 "Memories" one done in a diamond/gold
and one in a pearl/gold design. I know you will like these for
your LO's. Here's your preview:

Get them.............................HERE
See you tomorrow with GOLD EMBELLYS!


Sharon aka Scrapcat4914 said...

TY so very much for this WONDERFUL Gold WA!!!!!!!

~HS said...

Very pretty.

I would also like to add that if you hover over a link (not clicking on it) and looking at the bottom left of the window you will see where the link will take you. If you don't know that place or is completely different from where it says you are supposed to go, don't click. For example - it's common to get a spam email about Paypal, and it's common to hover over the links they have and find out they don't go anywhere close to paypal, usually some place that should be called wegotcha dot com, lol.

Anonymous said...

thank for sharing your beautiful work. enjoyed the music

Ruth J said...

TY for the lovely share!

Annabella said...

Love the word art, it's in gold, what's not to love!! Thank you very, very much for sharing with us, you are most generous!!!

ccynden said...

Love them all, thank you

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